VILLE, Frans de. 1??? — 19??. Belgian Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Called Professor, probably ar a school. Perhaps he is the same F. de Ville whom mentions as born in Zandbergen 31.1.1877 and married with Maria Finantia Lafourt.
Publications: Transl. Çakuntalâ. 94 p. Coll. Lebégue 3:31. Bruxelles 1943; Une vieille légende hindoue, Nala et Damayantî, traduite du sanskrit. 75 p. Coll. Lebégue 66. Bruxelles 1945.
– Tsiganes. Témoins des temps. 214 p. Coll. Lebégue 118. Bruxelles 1956.
Sources: Books only in Internet.
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