VOGEL, Jean-Philippe

VOGEL, Jean-Philippe. ’s-Gravenhage 9.1.1871 — Oegstgeest near Leiden 10.4.1958. Dutch Indologist, Specialist of Indian Art and Archaeology. Professor in Leiden. Son of Johan Gregorius V. (1843–1920), a judge, and Jeanne Adrienne du Quesne van Breuchem (1844–1890). Educated in Alkmaar, gymnasium in Haarlem, then studied Sanskrit and Dutch at Amsterdam, also attended Kern’s lectures at Leiden. M.A. 1895, Ph.D. 1897 Amsterdam (in Sanskrit, under Uhlenbeck). In 1898-1900 Docent at Amsterdam. In 1899 went to India and, after a brief visit to home in 1900, served in A.S.I. in 1901-1914, mostly as Superintendent of Northern Circle in Lahore (1910-12 officiating Director-General). In 1914 he returned to the Netherlands and succeeded Speyer as Professor of Sanskrit at Leiden. Retired in 1938 (succeeded by Kuiper). In 1931 Rector of University. Founder of the Kern Institute of Leiden University in 1925. C.I.E. Married 1913 Maria Strumphler (1879–1959), no children. In the end of the WW II there was a wrong rumour of his death and some premature obituaries were published.

Although originally a philologist, Vogel mainly concentrated on archaeology and art history, combining them with philological evidence. Also an epigraphist, and a scholar of Indonesia. In India he arranged the conservation of the Mughal monuments of Lahore and Delhi and spent many summers in excavations in Chamba. Also participated in excavations at Charsada (with Marshall), Kasia and Saheth-Maheth. Among his students were B. C. Chhabra, D. L. Friedman, Kuiper, S. Paranavitana, Niharranjan Ray and K. de Vreese.

Publications: Translated: Het Leeman Wagentje, Indisch Tooneelspel. 16+216 p. Amsterdam 1897 (Mṛcchakaṭika, his diss.); Sāvitrī. 17+54 p. Amsterdam 1917.

– “Excavations at Charsada in the Frontier Province”, ASIAR 1902-03 (1904), 141-184 (with Marshall); “Inscriptions of Chambā State”, Ibid. 239-271; “The Mathurā school of sculpture”, ASIAR 1906-07 (1909), 137-160 & 1909-10 (1914), 63-79; “Excavations at Saheth-Maheth”, ASIAR 1907-08 (1911), 81-131, 17 pl.

Catalogue of the Delhi Museum of Archaeology. 12+71 p. Calcutta 1908; Catalogue of the Bhuri Singh Museum at Chamba. 8+82 p. Calcutta 1909; Antiquities of the Chamba State. 1-2. 12+268+?? p. 49+?? pl. A.S.I., N.I.S. 36. Calcutta 1911-57 (2. with B. C. Chhabra); Catalogue of the Archaeological Museum of Mathurā. 290 p. 25 pl. Allahabad 1910; La sculpture de Mathurā. 131 p. 60 pl. Ars Asiatica 15. P. 1930.

– “The Yupa Inscription of King Mulavarma from Koeteir (East Borneo)”, Bijdr.TLV 74, 1918, 165-232.

Tile-Mosaics of the Lahore Fort. 10+70 p. 80 pl. A.S.I., N.I.S. 41. Calcutta 1920.

– “The relation between the art of India and Java”, F. H. Andrews, The influence of Indian art. London, 43-112.

Indian Serpent-Lore or the Nagas in Hindu legend and art. 14+318 p. 30 pl. L. 1926; “Serpent worship in ancient and modern India”, AO 2, 1924, 279-312.

“Le makara dans la sculpture de l’Inde”, RAA 6, 1929-30, 133-147.

– “Het Sanskrit word tejas”, Med.KNAW 70:B:4, 1930, 83-125.

De Buddhistische kunst van Voor-Indië. 96 p. 42 pl. Amsterdam 1932, transl. Buddhist Art in India, Ceylon and Java. 12+115 p. 39 pl. Oxford 1936; Op het voetspoor van Boeddha. 165 p. 20 pl. Haarlem 1934.

With J. Hutchison: History of the Panjab Hill States. 1-2. 729 p. Lahore 1933 (parts appeared as articles in JPHS 1914ff.).

Edited: Hofreis van J. J. Ketelaar naar den Groot-Mogol te Lahore. 38+454 p. the Hague 1937.

Transl. Mudrārakṣasa. De Zegelring van Raksjasa. 12+120 p. 8 pl. Leiden 1946; Premcand, Sapt Saroj. De zeven lotusbloemen. 40+118 p. Leiden 1948.

The Goose in Indian Literature and Art. 6+74 p. 12 pl. Memoirs of Kern Inst. 2. Leiden 1962.

Many articles in ASIAR, EI, JRAS, JPHS, etc.; founded (1928) and edited the ABIA.

Sources: *A.J. Bernet Kempers, Bibliography in Bibl. bouddh. 3, 1933, 1-18; *B.Ch. Chhabra, JGIS 12, 1945, 1-13; *Cœdès, JA 245, 1957, 395-397; K.W. Lim, Bibliography, JOR 17, 1957-58, 17-47; J. Marshall, JRAS 1958, 220-222; S. Paranavitana, JRAS-CB 7:1, 1960, 116f.; *L. Scherman, HJAS 8, 1944 (!), 227-234 & *IC 12, 12, 1945-46, 32-36; Wie is dat? 1948; Wikipedia briefly, with photo, more in German version; bibliography and further references in Dutch Studies on South Asia. Photo in Brill Catal. 1937, another in ABIA 13 for 1938 (1940) and in Gonda, Indology in the Netherlands. 1964, a caricature in Sardesai.

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