VORLÄNDER, Franz. Röttgen near Bonn 15.9.1806 — Marburg 31.3.1867. German Philosopher. Roman Catholic. Lost early his father, educated by his mother, school in Siegen and gymnasium briefly in Wetzlar. Studied at Bonn and 1832-34 Berlin (under Lachmann and Schleiermacher), also learned Sanskrit from Bopp. Ph.D. 1834 Berlin. PD 1842 Berlin, from 1843 ao. Professor at Marburg, where he also was the first to teach Sanskrit in 1843. Married 1850, one son (philosopher Karl Vorländer) and two daughters.
Publications: Diss. Elementa doctrinae de casibus comparatione Graecae Latinae et Sanscritae linguae illustratae. B. 1834.
– Wrote on Schleiermacher and Hegel.
Sources: Heinze, A.D.B. 40, 1896, 305-307; Hessian Biography online; briefly Swedish Wikipedia; Sanskrit teaching mentioned in www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb10/iksl/faecher/indologie/fachgebiet/geschichte.
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