VOLKOVA, Oktjabrina Fëdorovna. Leningrad 23.1.1926 — 22.10.1988. Russian Indologist, specialist of Buddhist Sanskrit literature. Daughter of an officer, Fëdor Andreevič Volkov. Graduated 1952 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty. In 1952-56 taught at Institute of Foreign Affairs. In 1956-81 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute.
Publications: At least 10 items, e.g.
– Transl. with A. P. Barannikov: Ar’ya Šura. Girljanda Džatak ili skazanija o podvigah Bodhisattvy. 348 p. M. 1962.
– With G. M. Bongard-Levin: Legenda o Kunale (Kuṇālāvadāna iz neopublikovannoj rukopisi Ašokāvadānamālā). 101 p. M. 1963; The Kunala Legend and unpublished Asokavadanamala manuscript. 39 p. Calcutta 1965.
– Selected transl. in Povesti, skazki, pritči Drevnej Indii. M. 1964, 60-70 & 122-162.
– Transl. with A. I. Volodarskij: “Šridhara. Patiganita”, Fiziko-matematič. nauki v stranah Vostoka 4, 1966, 160-181.
Sources: *T. Ja. Elizarenkova, NAA 1989:2, 209f.; Miliband 1995; *V.G. Lysenko (ed.), Smaranam. Pamjati Oktjabriny Fedorovny Volkovoj. Sbornik statej. M. 2006.
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