PAGLIARO, Antonino. Mistretta, Messina 1.1.1898 — ibid. 6.12.1973. Italian Classical and Iranian Scholar, Exegete, and Philosopher of Language. Professor in Rome. Son of Vincenzo Pagliaro and Grazia Passarella. After school in Mistretta studies at Palermo and Frorence, then further studies 1922-24 at Heidelberg (Bartholomae) and 1925 at Vienna (Kretschmer). From 1926 PD, 1927 Professor of Iranian Linguistics and History of Classical languages, at La Sapienza in Rome, in 1936 renamed as Professor of Glottology. In 1944-46 suspended as Fascist (he became party member as early as 1923), then reinstated. Retired in 1968. Mainly worked on Greek and Iranian linguistics. Among his students were G. Bonfante, G. R. Cardona, T. De Mauro, Gh. Gnoli, and V. Pisani.
Publications: “L’origine del presente in -t- nel mediopersiano dei libri”, Atti Accad. Torino 60, 1925; “Il testo pahlavico ‘Ayâtkâr-i-Zarêrân’”, RAL 1925:6:1, 550-604; “L’anticresi nel diritto sâsânidico”, RSO 15, 1935, 275-315; and many brief articles.
– Epica e romanzo nel medioevo persiano. 75 p. Firenze 1927.
– Sommario di linguistica arioeuropea. 1. 196 p. Rome 1930.
– Persia antica e moderna. 97 p. Rome 1935.
– With A. Bausani: Storia della letteratura persiana. 914 p. Milano 1960 (Pre-Islamic period by A.P.).
– With W. Belardi: Linee di storia linguistica dell’Europa. 12+232 p. Rome 1963.
– Much on Greek and linguistics, also on the Italian dialect of Sicily.
Sources: T. De Mauro, Lex. gramm. 1996, 686f. & *D.B.I. 80, 2014; *Studia classica et orientalia Antonino Pagliaro oblata. Rome 1960; Italian Wikipedia with photo and further references.
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