PALMBLAD, Vilhelm Fredrik. Skönberga, Östergötland 16.12.1788 — Uppsala 2.9.1852. Swedish Historian interested in India. Professor in Uppsala. Son of a warden (kronofogd) Carl Fredrik P., and Eva Katarina Fahlstedt, the father died when he was 10. In the age of 14 became disabled through a pelvic illness. From 1806 studies at Uppsala, M.A. there 1815. From 1822 PD of history at Uppsala, from 1827 Associate Professor (adjunkt) of History and from 1835 Professor of Greek ibid. In 1810-36 he owned together with his friends the press and publishing house Palmbladska Förlag. From 1844 member of Vetenskapsakademi. Married 1828 Mariana Rebecka Loenbom (1799–1877).
Palmblad was a neo-romantician known of his wide learning. Without knowing any Sanskrit he eagerly studied the books of Wilson and other pioneers of Indology and presented their contents to Swedish readers.
Publications: “Om Persernas fornhäfder, enl.inhemska sagor, jemnförde med grekernes berättelser”, Hermes 1821:1, 90-172 & 2, 77-178; “Om Hinduernas fornhäfder”, Svea 2, 1819, 1-168; “Om Tibet”, Svea 4, 1821, 1-90; “Om Hinduernas Dramatiska Poesi”, Svea 13, 1831, 318-341.
– De Buddha et Wodan. 4 fasc. 38 p. Upsaliae 1826.
– Wrote much on history, geography and classical philology, translated classics and European literature, wrote short stories and dramas.
Sources: A. Burius, Sv. biogr. lexikon 28, 1992-94, 589ff. with portrait; Charpentier 1924, 57; auto-biography in Biographiskt Lexicon 11, 1843, 17-35; Swedish Wikipedia with portrait and further references.
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