BAILEY, Thomas Grahame. Ambala 8.9.1872 — Edinburgh 5.4.1942. Rev. British (Scottish) Priest and Indologist, a Specialist of Urdu and North-West Indian Languages. Son of Wellesley Cosby B., a medical missionary, and Alice Hargraves, sent to school in Edinburgh. M.A. and B.D., ordained. In 1895-1920 missionary of the Church of Scotland in Wazirabad in the Pañjab, 1906 in England, then in Gujranwala. D.Litt. 1920 Edinburgh. Reader in Hindustani at S.O.A.S., retired 1940. Married Agnes B. Sloan.
The two volumes of Languages of the Northern Himalaya and Linguistic Studies from the Himalayas contain a great number of grammatical outlines of little known north-western and Himalayan languages. The Grammar of the Shina Language is still appreciated as the basic work on Shina, and its appendices describe several related languages. He was the first to notice the tonal system in Pañjabi and Shina. Also an Esperantist.
Publications: Panjabi Grammar. A brief Grammar of Panjabi as spoken in the Wazirabad district. 60 p. Lahore 1904; A Panjabi Phonetic Reader. 19+39 p. L. 1914; An English-Punjabi Vocabulary of 5800 Words. 159 p. Calcutta 1919.
– With T. Cummings: Pañjabi Manual and Grammar: a Guide to the colloquial Pañjabi. 419 p. 1912.
– Languages of the Northern Himalaya being studies in the grammar of twenty-six Himalayan dialects. 345 p. R.A.S. Monographs 12. L. 1908; Linguistic Studies from the Himalayas: being studies in the grammar of fifteen Himalayan dialects. 15+277 p. R.A.S. Monographs 17. L. 1915; Studies in North Indian Languages. 280 p. L. 1938 (collected articles from JRAS and BSOS).
– Kanauri Vocabulary in two parts: English–Kanauri, and Kanauri–English. 98 p. R.A.S. Monographs 13. L. 1911; The Pronunciation of Kashmiri; Kashmiri sounds, how to make them and how to transcribe them. 6+70 p. L. 1937.
– Grammar of the Shina (Sinā) Language; consisting of a full grammar, with texts and vocabularies of the main or Gilgiti dialect and briefer grammars (with vocabularies and texts) of the Kohistani, Guresi, and Drasi dialects. 15+285 p. L. 1924.
– A History of Urdu Literature. 12+119 p. Heritage of India Series. Calcutta 1932; Teach Yourself Hindustani. 41+314 p. L. 1950 (later editions with the name Urdu).
– Articles and reviews in BSOS.
Sources: Works in N.U.C.; scanty life data in; parents in
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