PARFIONOVIČ, Iosif Nikolaevič

PARFIONOVIČ, Jurij Mihajlovič. Moscow 21.9.1921 — 18.9.1990. Russian Tibetan Scholar. Son of an official. In 1941-45 in the army. After war Sinological studies in Moscow, in 1950-53 studied in China. Graduated 1953 from Moscow. From 1953 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute in Moscow. Kand. filol. nauk 1971.

Publications: At least 30 publications,

With B. V. Semičov: Kratkij tibetsko-russkij slovar’. 581 p. M. 1963.

Transl. from Tibetan: Igra Vetaly s čelovekom. 144 p. M. 1969; Kamennyj lev. Narodnye skazki. 192 p. M. 1976, Hungarian tr. Budapest 1984; Sutra o mudrosti i gluposti. 326 p. Pamjatniki pis’mennosti Vostoka 7. M. 1978.

Tibeckij pis’mennyj jazyk. 184 p. M. 1970, The Written Tibetan Language. Moscow 1982.

Edited with B. A. Bogoslovskij & V. S. Dylykov: Ju. N. Rerih’s Tibetsko-russko-anglijskij slovar’ s sanskritsk. paralleljami. 1-11. 379+406+431+374+312+372+320+311+296+344+174 p. M. 1983-87 & 1993.

Edited with F. Meyer and Gyurme Dorje: Tibetan medical paintings. Illustrations to the Blue Beryl Treatise. 1-2. L. 1992 (Vaidurya sNgon-po of Sangye Gyamtso. Vol. 1. Plates. Summaries of chapters. 180 p. 76 colour pl. 2. Text. Translation of all Tibetan inscriptions. 172 p. 76 pl.).

Sources: Miliband 1977, 1995; *Obituary in Vostok 1992/1, 196f.; Russian Vikipedija with two photos (also briefly in German version).

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