PARKER, Henry John. 1849 — 19??. British Engineer and Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Arrived in 1873 and in 1873-1904 worked as Irrigation Officer at Public Works Department, serving in different parts of the island. Interest in ancient reservoirs led him to archaeology. At the same time he achieved an important folklore collection. Married, children. Knew both Sinhala and Tamil.
Publications: “Report on Archaeological discoveries at Tissamaháráma, in the Southern Province of Ceylon”, JRAS-CB 8:27, 1884, 94-191; also wrote in The Orientalist.
– Ancient Ceylon. An Account of the Aborigines and of Part of the Early Civilisation. 14+695 p. L. 1909.
– Village Folk-Tales of Ceylon. 1-3. L. 1910-14.
Sources: Wikipedia briefly.
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