PASPATIS, Alexandros Georgios (Aλέξανδρōς Γ. Πασπάτης). Chios ?.5.1814 — Athens 24.12.1891. Greek Scholar interested in Gipsies. Lost his father, Georgios P., at Chios massacre (1822), was brought to the U.S.A. by a businessman when 8. Educated at “Collège d’Amhust” (i.e. Amherst), then studies of medicine at Padova, Paris and London. M.D. In 1840-82 practising physician at Christian Orthodox hospital in Constantinople (for 20 years its physician-in-chief), where he also started his studies on Turkish gipsies and learned several languages like Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Syriac, and Turkish. In the dictionary of his native Chios he published a great number of folksongs, proverbs, etc. Later moved to Athens. Married 1852 Argyro Vourou, no children.
Publications: “Μελέτη περί των Ατσίγγανων και της γλώσσης αυτών”, Πανδορα 1857.
– “Memoir on the Language of the Gypsies as now used in the Turkish Empire”, JAOS 7, 1862, 143-270.
– Études sur les Tchinghianés, ou Bohémiens de l’empire ottoman. 672 p. Constantinople 1870.
– Works on Byzantine history; Τὸ Χιακὸν γλωσσάριον: Ήτοι η εν Χίω λαλούμενη γλώσσα μετά τινών επιγραφών αρχαίων τε και νέων και του χάρτου της νήσου. Ατηενσ 1888.
Sources: Pavolini, Actes du XVIe Congrès int. des Or., Session d’Athènes 1912, 96f. (with a photo);;; with two photos.
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