PEET, Joseph. Spitalfields, London 1.2.1801 — Mavelikara 11.8.1865. Rev. British Missionary in Kerala. Son of Benjamin Peet, a silk dyer, and Elizabeth Lafond. Apparently worked himself as dyer. From 1829 studies at Church Missionary College in Islington (London), ordained deacon 1831 and priest 1832 in London. Joined the Church Missionary Society and arrived at Madras in 1833. Worked in Kottayam, 1837-46 in Mavelikara and then thirty years as the Principal of Kottayam College. After a couple of years in England returned to Kerala. Married 1835 Emily Elizabeth Tranchell (d. 1847) four sons and three daughters, 1848 Sarah Landwell George (1833?–1854), one daughter, and 1855 Mary Ann Hansford (1804–1873).
Publications: A grammar of the Malayalim language as spoken in the Principalities of Travancore and Cochin, and the districts of North and South Malabar. 218 p. Cottayam 1841; 2nd ed. 187 p. Cottayam 1860.
Sources:; *Malayālam Wikipedia (Jōsaphŭ Pīṭṭhŭ).
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