PERSSON, Per. Västra Vingåker, Södermanland 31.12.1857 — Uppsala 27.6.1929. Swedish Classical and IE Linguist. Professor in Uppsala. Son of farmer Per Persson and Brita Persdotter. Studies at Uppsala, M.A. 1878, Lic.phil. 1883. Ph.D. and Docent of Classics 1886. From 1895 Professor of Latin Language and Literature at Uppsala (deputy already from 1889). Though professionally a scholar of Latin, he was one of the foremost IE scholars of his time in Sweden. Hon. dr. 1922 Padova. Married 1887 Selma Amalia Charlotta Lund (1841–1911).

Publications:Diss. Studia etymologica. 122 p. Uppsala 1886.

– Studien zur Lehre von der Wurzelerweiterung und Wurzelvariation. 294 p. U.U.Å. 1891.

– “Etymologisches”, BB 19, 1893, 257-283; “Uber den demonstrativen Pronominalstamm no- ne- und Verwandtes”, IF 2, 1893, 199-260; “Etymologisches”, KZ 33, 1895, 284-294

Beiträge zur indogermanischen Wortforschung. 1-2. Uppsala & Lp. 1912; “Etymologien”, IF 35, 1915, 199-216.

Much on Latin language and literature.

Sources: G. Holm, Lex. gramm. 1996, 715; E.N–n, Nordisk familjebok 1915, 591; A. Önnerfors, Sv. biogr. lex. online, with photo (2021); Swedish Wikipedia.

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