PIKE, John Gregory

PIKE, John Gregory. Wisbeth, Cambridgeshire 1845 — 24.6.1905, when 60. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in India. Son of Rev. James Carey Pike and Lucy Wherry (1812–1850). Arrived in India in 1874 with his wife. Worked in Sambalpur, later in Cuttack. Married, children, one daughter married —> G. S. Wilkins. The elder Rev. John Deodatus Gregory Pike (1784–1854) was his grandfather (in earlier versions of my database I erroneously gave him as the author of the dictionary).

Publications: Completed by G. S. Wilkins: A Comprehensive English–Oriya Dictionary. 1-2. 684 p. Cuttack 1916-23 (vol. 2 by Wilkins alone).

Religious books.

Sources: Annual Report of the Baptist Missionary Society 114, 1906, 85; Wikitree; scanty stray notes in Internet.


Last Updated on 6 months by Admin


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