PIKE, John Deodatus Gregory. Edmonton, Middlesex 6.4.1784 — 4.9.1854. Rev. British Missionary in India, Pioneer of Oṛiyā Studies. Son of John Baxter Pike, a Presbyterian clergyman. In 1802-06 studies at Wymondley College, now adopted Baptism. Baptist minister in Derby from 1810. Founder of the Baptist Missionary Society. He was actively supporting Orissa mission, but himself never went to India, probably the dictionary was in fact collected by missionaries he sent to Orissa since the early 1820s. Married, children.
Publications: Completed by G. S. Wilkins: A Comprehensive English–Oriya Dictionary. 1-2. 684 p. Cuttack 1916-23 (vol. 2 by Wilkins alone).
– Religious books.
Sources: *P. J. Shepherd, “J. G. Pike of Derby: Pastor, Evangelist and Founder of the General Baptist Missionary Society”, Baptist Quarterly July 1, 2009; briefly in Wikipedia on Amos Sutton; stray notes in Internet.
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