PLATNER, Samuel Ball. Unionville, Conn. 4.12.1863 — at sea 20.8.1921. U.S. Classical Scholar also interested in Sanskrit. Son of William Platner, a factory owner, and Emily Childs Ball, brother of theologian John Winthrop Platner (1865–1921). Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Yale (A.B. 1883, Ph.D. 1885), further studies in 1889-90 at Berlin and Bonn. Taught at Western Reserve University: 1885-90 Instructor in Latin and French, 1890-92 Assistant Professor of Latin, and from 1892 Professor of Latin. In 1899-1900 taught at American School of Classical Studies in Rome. Died of heart attack at sea on way from New York to Europe. Married 1892 Leonora Sayre.
Publications: Diss. A Comparison of Three Recensions of the Ramayana. Manuscript, Yale 1885.
– Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome. 1904, rev. 2nd ed. 14+538 p. Boston 1911.
– Other works and articles on Latin grammar and literature.
Sources: Who Was Who in America 1, 1897-1942; W.F. Wyatt Jr. in Briggs (ed.), Biogr. Dict. of N. Am. Class. 1994, 502f.; C.P. Bill, AJPh 43, 1922, 93; *H.N. Fowler, Dict. Am. Biogr. 13, 648 and Cl. Philol. 17, 1922, 281f.; *Nat. Cycl. Am. Biogr. 12, 214; Wikipedia briefly.
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