POLO, Marco

POLO, Marco. Venice 1254 (or 1250?) — Venice 8.1.1324. Famous Italian (Venetian) Traveller in the Middle Ages, spent many years in China. Born in a wealthy family of nobility, he left Venice in 1271 together with his father Niccolò and uncle Maffeo, who had returned from their earlier commercial visit to China in 1269. The route went via the Near East, Iran and Central Asia to the court of Kubilai, where the three served long under the Great Chan. Returning by sea they visited Sri Lanka and India, arrived 1293 at Iran and continued via Armenia to the Black Sea and by ship to Venice, arriving in 1295. He soon participated in Venetian-Genoan was and was in 1796-99 in a Genoese prison. After release active as merchant, but now apparently never left Venetian territory. Married 1300 Donata Badoèr, three daughters. Numerous legends are told about Marco Polo. Google claims he was born in 15.9.1254, but numerous sources state that even the year is uncertain.

The travel account of Marco Polo is known in three versions: the French version dictated in 1298 to Rustichello of Pisa in the Genoese prison, another French version given by Marco himself in 1307 to a French knight, and a Latin version from Venice. His contemporaries received his narrations with scepticism giving him the nickname “Il Milione”, and recently an attempt has been made to put the very existence of his travels under suspicion, but perhaps with insufficient arguments.

Publications: Latin version published in Ramusio’s collection 1553; among numerous editions and translations the most important are perhaps:

W. Marsden: The Travels of Marco Polo. Translated from the Italian with notes. L. 1818 and several editions (from Ramusio).

G. Pauthier: Le livre de Marco Polo, citoyen de Venise. Avec introduction et notes. 1-2. 156+832 p. P. 1865.

H. Yule: The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. L. 1871, enl. 2nd ed. 1-2. L. 1875; much rev. 3rd ed. by Henri Cordier. 1-2. L. 1903-20.

A. C. Moule & P. Pelliot: Marco Polo. Description of the World. Transl. and annotated. 1. Introduction, trans­lation, notes. 2. Transcription of the Toledo Latin codex. 595+131 p. L. 1938.

Sources: There is vast number of literature about him, a full bibliography would take several pages and is not feasible here. I have mainly used (beside reading the travel account) just A. Vattier, D.O.L.F. 770f.; Wikipedia with illustrations

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