POTTINGER, Henry. Ballymacarrett, county Down 3.10.1788 — Malta 18.3.1855. Sir (Bart). British Colonial Officer in India. Born in a Berkshire family settled in Ireland. Son of Eldred Curwen P. and Anne Gordon, educated at Belfast; went to sea and to India [1804] to join the marine service, but entered the Army in Bombay in 1806; was sent on a Mission to Sind in 1808, and in 1810 went in disguise through Sind to Kelat, Nushki, Shiraz, Ispahan, returning viâ Bagdad and Bussora to Bombay; served at Poona and Cutch; Lt-Colonel 1829; again sent on a Mission to Sind 1831, and Political Agent there 1836-40; made Baronet on April 27, 1840, for services in the first Afghan war; became Major-General. In 1841 he was sent to China as Envoy, and made the Nanking treaty of peace, 1841; was made G.C.B.; Governor of Hongkong 1843-44, Privy Councillor 1844; Governor of the Cape of Good Hope 1846-47; and Governor of Madras 1848-54” (Buckland). Retired and settled in Malta. Married 1820 Susanna Maria Cooke (1800–1886), three sons and one daughter.
Publications: Travels in Beluchistan and Sind. 30+423 p. L. 1816, 2nd ed. 1826, French tr. 1818.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *W.B[roadfoo]t, D.N.B. 46, 1896, 424-426 and *Oxford D.N.B. 2004; Wikipedia with two portraits.
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