TAMASKÓ, István (Štefan Ján Tamaško). Bratislava 16.2.1801 — Bratislava 26.1.1881. Hungarian (Slovak by birth) Schoolteacher interested in Sanskrit. Studied 1822-23 Protestant theology in Vienna, in 1828-30 further studies at Göttingen, now learned Sanskrit and Arabic from Ewald. Professor at the German-language Lutheran Lycaeum in Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia) from 1833 until his death. Also interested in theology.

Publications: Diss. De causis linguae Sanscriticae. 35 p. Bratislava 1831.

Translations from the Rigveda (from Lassen, in Bratislava Gymn. Programm 1860) and Dhammapada (in Latin).

Also translated Arabic and Hungarian poetry into Latin.

Sources: Briefly Bethlenfalvy 1980, 13, Wojtilla 1977, 177, and Jan Reychman, “Z zagadnień Słowackiej orientalistyki”, Przegląd Orientalistyczny 3 (59), 1966, 238; *Á. Thewrewk, EPhK 5, 1881, 177-191, 275-293 (in Hungarian?); Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté.

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