TAMMELIN, Erik Johan (later Erkki TAMMIO). Hämeenlinna 5.8.1861 — Helsinki 15.7.1930. Finnish Classical Scholar. Son of a carpenter, the elder E. J. T., and Maria Sulander. Matriculated from the Finnish Normal Lyceum in Hämeenlinna, studied at Helsinki University (M.A. 1886) with Latin as his main subject (under F. V. Gustafsson). Further studies at Jena under Delbrück. Ph.D. 1890 Helsinki. From 1890 worked as a teacher, 1894 chief inspector of classical languages at the Central Board of Schools, from 1918 until death head of its department for secondary schools. Married 1892 Eva Alina Silander, two daughters and one son.

Publications: Diss. De participiis priscae Latinitatis quaestiones syntacticae. 163 p. Helsinki 1889.

An account of the history of Indian literature, in Finnish: “Piirteitä Indian kirjallisuuden historiasta”, Kertomus Oulun suomalaisesta lyseosta lukuvuotena 1890-1891. Oulu 1891, 57 p.

Sources: P. Aalto, Classical Studies. 1980, 63f.; briefly in Finnish Wikipedia.

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