THOMPSON, John Perronet. The Ridings, North Tyneside 8.6.1873 — London 8.8.1935. Sir. British Historian of Islamic and Modern India. Son of Vincent Thomas Thompson and Eleanor Wade. Educated in Leeds, studies at Cambridge (Trinity College, B.A.). In 1896 joined I.C.S. Served as Chief Secretary to the Punjab Government 1916-21, then as Political Secretary to the Government of India and from 1928 as Chief Commissioner for Delhi. Retired in 1932, in England entered politics. Knew Urdu and Persian. K.C.S.I. K.C.I.E. Planned historical works, but died. Married Ada Lucia Tyrell (1875–1957), one daughter and two sons.
Publications: “The Tomb of Jahangir”, Journal of the Punjab Historical Society 1, 1911, 31-49.
– India: The white paper. 47 p. L. 1933.
Sources: E. D. Maclagan, JRAS 1935, 786f.; parents in; Wikipedia briefly.
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