TOL’STOV, Sergej Pavlovič. St.Petersburg 12.(25.)1.1907 — Moscow 28.12.1976. Russian Archaeologist and Central Asian (Turkmenian) Scholar. Son of an officer, Pavel Sergeevič Tol’stov (1878–1916) and Maria Ivanovna Badaeva (1881–1924). Graduated 1930 from Moscow University, in history. Dr. ist. nauk & Professor 1943. In 1926-29 naučnyj sotrudnik in Moscow Museum and 1929-36 in Museum of the peoples of SSSR, in 1934-42 also in IIMK. In 1939-51 taught at Moscow University, in 1942-65 Director of Ethnographic Institute and 1950-51 Director of Oriental Institute. In 1941-42 in army. In 1945-70 Head of Khorezm Archaeological and Ethnographical Expedition. From 1953 Corresponding Member of Russian Academy, from 1956 full member of Uzbek Academy. Married Tatjana Aleksandrovna Trofimova (1905–1986), at least one daughter.
Publications: At least 100 items, e.g.
– Dr.diss. Drevnij Horezm. Taškent 1942; Drevnij Horezm. 352 p. M. 1947, Hungarian tr. 1947.
– Po sledam drevnexorezmijskoj civilizacii. 328 p. M.–Lg. 1948, Hungarian 1948 & Czech tr. 1951.
– “Les résultats des travaux de l’expédition archéologique et ethnographique de l’académie des sciences de l’U.R.S.S. au Khorezm en 1951-1955”, Arts as. 4, 1957, 82-112, 187-198.
– Po drevnim del’tam Oksa i Jaksarta. 324 p. Moscow 1962.
– With B. I. Vajn’berg: Koj-krylgan-kala. Pamjatnik kul’turi drevnogo Khorezma IV. v. do n. é. Moscow 1967.
Sources: Miliband, Biobibliogr. slovar’ sovetskih vostokovedov; Wikipedia with photo.
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