TULLBERG, Otto Fredrik

TULLBERG, Otto Fredrik. Nöbbele, Småland 28.9.1802 — Uppsala 12.4.1853. Swedish Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Uppsala. Son of sergeant-major Tyge Gustav Gudmundsson Tullberg (1762–1827) and Gustafva Helena Tigerström (1767–1862), brother of Hampus Christofer Tullberg (1796–1876), a priest and Semitic (Hebrew and Syriac) scholar. Taught by his brother he matriculated in Uppsala in 1822 and began studies of theology and Oriental languages at university there. Fil. mag. (M.A.) 1830 Uppsala. From 1832 PD of Hebrew and Aramaic there. In 1835 ordained priest. Started Sanskrit from books, in 1835-37 studied Sanskrit and Oriental languages in Germany (Kosegarten, Bopp, Stenzler), Italy, France (Quatremère, Silvestre de Sacy, Burnouf) and England (copied manuscripts). Back in Uppsala he started teaching Semitic languages and Sanskrit. In 1840-41 again in Bonn (Lassen), London and Oxford (Wilson). From 1843 Professor of Oriental Languages (i Österländska språk) at Uppsala. Again travelling in Europe in 1846-47, 1850 and 1852, returned ill from his last travel and died soon. He was eager musician (even composer) and director of Uppsala student choir in 1830-35 and 1837. Married 1841 Sofia Lovisa Ridderbielke (1815–1885, known as a painter), their only son was Tycho Tullberg (1842–1920), Professor of Zoology at Uppsala, also one daughter.

Tullberg started Sanskrit teaching in Sweden, but after his early death there was again a long interval. During his travels he collected material for a Pañcatantra edition, but gave it up in favour of Kosegarten, and the editio princeps of the Mālavikāgnimitra remained his only Indological work. In its time it was important, although founded on insufficient manuscript basis. Like his brother, he was also interested in Hebrew and Syriac. His manuscripts and notes are catalogued by Zetterstéen in MO 2, 1907-08, 66-83.

Publications: Edited: Malavika et Agnimitra, Drama Indicum Kâlidâsae adscriptum. 9+108 p. Bonn 1840.

Edition of the scholia on Isaiah by Gregorius Barhebraeus (1842) and other Syriac studies.

Hebräisk läsebok med anmärkningar och ordregister. 1845, 2nd ed. 1869.

Sources: Charpentier 1924, 58-62; Å. Nilsson, Svenska män och kvinnor 8, 1955, 57f. with portrait; ancestry.com; Swedish Wikipedia with the same portrait (but ignoring Sanskrit studies and the Mālav. edition).

*K. Beskow Tainsh (ed.), På biblioteket — där har jag min största förnöjelse. En svensk orientalists brev till sin hustru från lärdomscentra i Europa under 1800-talets förra hälft. Ett urval med inledning och kommentarer. Stockholm 1972 (letters to his wife).

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