BĂNĂŢEANU, Vlad. Timişoara 22.8.1900 — Bucharest 8.11.1963. Romanian IE and Classical Scholar, Armenologist and Indologist. Professor in Bucureşti. First studies of law and philology at Cernăuţi, wrote his dissertation on Latin grammar. Then studied in Paris in the 1920s Indian, IE, Classic and Celtic philology under such teachers as Meillet, Benveniste, Ernout, Vendryes, Bloch and Finot. Diploms of the É.P.H.É. and É.L.O.V. Adviced by Vendryes he went to Dublin in order to study Old Irish. Back in Romania he taught comparative IE at the university of Cernăuţi, then as its Professor at Bucureşti, where he also taught Sanskrit until his death

Publications: Diss. publ. as Sur les désinences de l’indicatif parfait en latin. Mél. de l’École Roumaine en France 5:2. 139 p. Paris 1927.

Editor of the REIE 1938-47, and the St&AOr. Wrote c. 200 monographs and articles on IE, Armenian, Classic and Celtic philology, in Romanian many articles, and monographies on Tagore (c. 1960) and Kālidāsa. E. g.: “The first Indianists of Rumania in the XIXth century”, Indo-Asian Cult. 7:3, 1959, 275-282; “Indian Studies in Rumania in the past and in the present”, Visvabh. Quart. 27:3-4, 1961-62, 239-259.

– “L’emploi de la préposition am dans le langue des Mabinogion”, Codrul Cosminului 4:2, 1928, 92 p.; “Termes de culture grec d’origine égéo-asianique”, REIE 1, 1938, 107-138; “Noten zur griechi­schen Terminologie des Wages”, REIE 1943, 132-150.

La traduction arménienne des tours participaux grecs. Bucharest 1937; “Les Arméniens dans les inscriptions de Behistun”, St&AOr 1, 1957, 68-81; “Catabouga, un toponyme arméno-tatare”, St&AOr 3, 1961, 191-196.

– “Contribuţii noi privitoare la problema unei limbi “protoindice” in Asia anterioara”, Studii şi Cercetări lingvistice 14, 1963, 291-408 (cf. “Neues zu den ‘vorindischen’ Sprachresten Vorderasiens”, Die Sprache 10, 1964. 198-201).

Sources: Bănăţeanu 1962, 256-258; S.N. Ionescu, Who Was Who in 20th Century Romania. N.Y. 1994; Letter by R. Bercea (1993).

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