BANG KAUP, Willy (Willi, Johann Wilhelm Max Julius Bang Kaup). Wesel 8/9.8.1869 — Darmstadt 8.10.1934. German Linguist, Turkic and Iranian Scholar. Professor at Louvain and Berlin. Born in Germany by the Rhine near to the Belgian border, son of notary (later mayor) Heinrich Bang and his wife Auguste, went to school there. Originally just Bang, he got in 1892 official permission to add Kaup (his mother’s name) after it. From 1888 studied at Louvain among other things Oriental languages (de Harlez), and became soon known as a scholar. Taught at the same university from 1893, from 1894 as Docent of Germanistics, and in 1895-1914 as eo. Professor of Anglistics. From 1917 Professor für türkische Sprach­wissenschaft at Frankfurt University, from 1918 Professor für türkische Philologie in Berlin. A. von Gabain was among his students. Married 1899 Natalie Zernin, four children.

He was among the decipherers of Old Turcic, and also interested in Old Persian, Pahlavi, and, as student of de Harlez, in Manchu.

Publications: Much on Anglistics, Iranian, Turcology, etc., often very short articles.

With F. Weissbach, Die altpersischen Keilinschriften in Umschrift und Übersetzung. 1–2. Lp. 1893-1908.

“Zu den Kök Türk-Inschriften der Mongolei”, TP 7, 1896, 325-355; Vom Köktürkischen zum Osmanischen. I. Über das türkische Interrogativpronomen”, ABeAW 1917, 1-62; “Vom Vorarbeiten zu einer vergleichenden Grammatik der Türksprachen. II. Über einige schallnachahmende Verba. III. Das Formans –yu bei Verben auf –a usw”, ABeAW 5, 1919, 1-79.

Sources: *A. v. Gabain, Ungar. Jb. 14, 1934, 335-340; A. v. Gabain, N.D.B. 1, 1953, 576; J.L. Pauwels, Nat. Biogr. Woordenboek 2, c. 29-33; P. Zieme, Encyclop. Iranica 3, 1989, 691f. (online); Akad. d. Wiss. der DDR 1983, 54; *Bibliography in Ungar. Jb. 9, 1929, 181-195; Wikipedia.

*M. Knüppel, Die orientalische Gelehrtenrepublik am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges. Die Briefwechsel zwischen Willi Bang(-Kaup) und Friedrich Carl Andreas aus den Jahren 1889 bis 1914. AAWG 20. B. 2012; *A. van Tongerloo & M. Knüppel, “Einige Briefe von Georg Jacob (1862-1937) an Willi Bang Kaup (1869-1934)”, AO 75, 2014, 59-72.

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