RANDLE, Herbert Niel

RANDLE, Herbert Niel. Bombay 19.10.1880 — Richmond, Surrey 8.7.1973. British Indologist. Civil servant (teacher) in India and Librarian in London (India Office). Son of Nathaniel Randle (1839–1893), manager of a vining company, and Elfrida Clark. The family returned soon to the U.K. and he was educated at Dulwich College in London. After studies at Oxford (Hertford College) he joined Indian Educational Service in 1905, was Professor of History at Queen’s College in Benares (1924) and retired in 1927. In India he learned Sanskrit and became acquainted with Indian philosophy. D.phil. 1926 Oxford. Back in England he worked in India Office Library: in 1927-33 Assistant Librarian and 1933-49 Librarian. C.I.E. 1947. From 1950 Fellow of British Academy. Married Edith Joan Whitby (1878–1967), two daughters and one son (John Niel Randle, d. Kohima 1944).

Publications: Diss. Indian Logic in the Early Schools. A study of the Nyāyadarśana and its relation to early logic of other schools. Manuscript 1926, publ. 12+404 p. L. 1930.

Edited & tr. Fragments from Dignāga. 12+93 p. L. 1926.

– “India Office Plate of Lakshmanasena”, EI 26, 1941-42 (1952), 1-13.

– “An Indo-Aryan Language of South-India: Saurāṣṭra-bhāṣā”, BSOAS 11:1, 1943, 104-121 & 310-327; “The Saurāshtrans of South India”, JRAS 1944, 151-164, 1 pl.

– “The Patterns of the triṣṭubh”, BSOAS 20, 1957, 459–469.

Some further articles and reviews.

Sources: Burrow, Proc. of Br. Academy 1974, 431-446 with photo; family in ancestry.com; briefly Wikipedia.

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