REES, John David

REES, John David. London 16.12.1854 — London 2.6.1922. First Baronet (1919). British Civil Servant in India. Son of Lodwich William Rees and Ann Jones. “Educated at Cheltenham. Entered the Madras Civil Service, 1875. Private Secretary to three successive Governors…; Government Translator in Tamil, Telugu, Persian and Hindustani. British Resident in Travancore and Cochin. Additional Member of Governor-General’s Council, 1895-1900. Retired, 1901. C.I.E.” Back in the U.K. he was M.P. for Montgomery (1906-10) and Nottingham East (1912-22). Married 1891 Mary Catherine Dormer (1867–1943), children. In books and politics he was strong supporter of the British Raj.

Publications: The Muhammadans, 1001–1761 A.D. 10+192 p. L. 1894.

Narratives of Tours in India Made by … Lord Connemara … 1886–1890. 16+381 p. 1891.

The Real India. 12+352 p. L. 1908; Modern India. 15+259 p. L. 1910; some further writings.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia with photo and caricature.

Last Updated on 3 weeks by Admin


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