REEVE, William. Chelmsford, Essex 7.8.1793 — Bristol 14.4.1850. Rev. British Missionary in India. Born in Northern England. Ordained 1816, married and left for India. Worked for London Missionary Society until 1824 in Bellary and, after leave in England, in Bangalore until 1834, when retired for healt reasons. Participated in translating the Bible in Kannaḍa. Back in U.K., in minister of the Congregational church at Oswestry from 1836-43. Retired after losing his sight and lived in Bristol. Married 1816 Eliza Cobden (1795–1869), three daughters.
Publications: A Dictionary, English and Carnataka. 61+1024 p. Madras 1824.
– Dictionary, Kannada and English. Madras 1832, revised, corrected and enlarged by D. Sanderson. 1040 p. Bangalore 1858.
– Translated parts of the Bible in Kannaḍa.
Sources: Briefly Wikipedia; family details and dates in;
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