BANNERTH, Ernst. Eilenburg, Sachsen 13.10.1895 — Cairo 29.4.1976. German Urdu and Islamic Scholar and Catholic priest. Educated in Leipzig, 1913 became professional officer and 1916 sent to Near East. British war prisoner 1917-20 in India, then joined Benedictines and studied theology at Vienna. Ordained 1930. Dr.theol. 1941 Vienna. Worked as priest in Burgenland, opposed Nazis. During the war from 1942 interpreter of the Indian Legion, then interned until 1947. Then minister of Stotzingin Niederösterreich until 1953, then of Mörbisch and of Eisenstadt, until 1956. Taught as Lektor at Vienna Univer­sity (also PD 1956) in the 1950s, in retirement moved 1961 to Cairo. In 1964-66 Rektor of the Catholic Pilgerhaus in Jerusalem, but living in Cairo where he taught Islamic studies at the uni­ver­sity.

Publications: With M. Iqbal: “Islam in Modern Urdu Poetry”, Anthropos 37-40, 1942-45, 605-619.

Hindustani Briefe. 15 Urdu- und 6 Hindi- Briefe mit Umschrift und Übersetzung. 55 p. Lp. 1943.

With O. Spies: Lehrbuch der Hindi-Sprache. 10+203 p. Lp. 1945.

– “Ein Beitrag zur Bhagwān-Verehrung”, Anthropos 41-44, 1946-49, 336.

Wrote on Islam and Near East (Egypt).

Sources:; a few stray notes in Internet; German Wikipedia; photo (1964) in

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