ROZWADOWSKI, Jan Michał. Czarna near Tarnów 7.12.1867 — Warsaw 14.3.1935. Polish IE and Slavic Linguist and Gipsy Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Son of engineer Julius R. Studies of classics at Cracow, Ph.D. 1891. In 1891-95 further studies at Leipzig under Brugman and Leskien. From 1897 PD and from 1899 eo. Professor at Cracow, from 1904 until death Professor and Head of the Department of Comparative Linguistics. Before 1917 he was politically active in the National-Democratic Party of (Austrian) Galicia. Honorary Ph.D. of Warsaw (1928), Wilson (Vilnius), Lwów, Cracow, and Poznań (1928).
As a scholar Rozwadowski was mainly interested in Balto-Slavic and general linguistics. In 1909-12, after Mańkowski’s death, he also taught Sanskrit. In his later years he wrote much on philosophy and religion. Additional interests were Romani and Ainu. Among his students were Otrębski and Rudnicki.
Publications: Much on Balto-Slavic and general linguistics.
– “Stosunki leksykalne między językami słowiańskimi a irańskimi”, RO 1, 1914-15, 95-110.
– Edited by E. Klich: Wörterbuch des Zigeunerdialekts von Zakopane. 25+91 p. Polska Akad. Um., Prace komisji orjentalistycznej 21. Kraków 1936.
– Wybór pism. 1-3. Warszawa 1959-61.
Sources: W. Bieńkowski, Ö.B.L. 9, 1988, 305f. (with further references); T. Kowalski, RO 11, 1935 (1936), 267-269 (in Polish); A. M. Lewicki, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 806-808 (with further references); *W.J. Rose, Slavonic and East European Review 14, 1936, 692-694; briefly Wikipedia with photo (more in Polish version).
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