WATSON, John Whaley. India 25.12.1837 — Rajkot, Gujarat 24.3.1889. British Colonial Officer in India, interested in Archaeology and History. Son of Colonel John Willis Watson of Bombay Artillery and Emma Armitage. Served in Bombay Staff Corps. In the end of the 1870s President of Rājasthānik Court in Kathiawar, in 1881-89 political agent of Kathiawar Agency, as Colonel. Married 1870 Elizabeth Charlotta Watts (b. 1846), four daughters and four sons. Watson Museum in Rajkot is named after him. Papers and correspondence in British Library.

Publications: Archaeological and epigraphical notes in IA in the 1870s; nine specimens of Gujarātī bardic poetry edited and translated in, IA 2-7, 1873-78.

Statistical Account of Porbandar: Being the Porbandar Contribution to the Káthiáwár Portion of the Bombay Gazetteer. 42 p. Bombay 1879, and other similar reports.(Bhavnagar, Junagadh, etc.)

History of Gujarát: Musalman Period, A.D. 1297-1760. 154 p. Bombay 1886.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet, full name and years in discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/795c3b0c-fb5d-4b1d-a1a8-1490bdf62909.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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