WATTERS, Thomas. Newtownards, County Down, Ireland 9.2.1840 — Ealing (London) 10.1.1901. British (of Northern Ireland) Diplomat and Sinologist. Son of a Presbyterian minister, Rev. Thomas Watters and Elizabeth Marshall Clendinaing, educated at home. From 1857 studies at Queen’s College, Belfast, B.A. 1861 and M.A. 1862 Queen’s University. From 1863 in Consular Service in China, first in Taiwan, for a long time in Peking, then Acting Consul General in Korea 1887-88, From 1891 Consul in Canton and 1893 Fuzhou. Retired for health reasons in 1895. Last years living in London, concentrating on studies. He collected Chinese ceramics, Korean artefacts and Sanskrit manuscripts, beside Chinese also knew Sanskrit and Pāli.
Publications: Sinological books and articles, e.g. Lao Tzu. A Study in Chinese Philosophy. 114 p. Hong-Kong 1870.
– “Buddhism in China”, Chinese Recorder 2, 18??, 16, 38-43, 64-68, 81-88, 117, 145-150, and other papers on Chinese Buddhism.
– “Fa-Hsien and his English Translators”, China Review 8, 1880, 107-116, 131-140, 217-230, 277-284, 323-341.
– On Yuan Chwang’s Travels in India. 1-2. London 1904-05.
Sources: *S.W. Bushell, JRAS 1901, 373-375; H. Cordier, TP N.S. 2, 1901, 92f.; J.C. Ting, British Contibution to Chinese Studies. Nos. 1166-1194; takaoclub.com; Wikipedia.
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