WEIDERT, Alfons Klaus. 21.3.1943 — Bangkok 24.7.1988. German Tibeto-Burman Linguist. Ph.D. 1971 Heidelberg. PD 1982 Kiel. In 1981-84 Chief-Supervisor of the German-Nepalese field-project Linguistic Survey of Nepal. Collected material through field study among more than 40 Tibeto-Burman languages. But he was hard on his informants and lost his research position in Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in 1984. Died under “suspicious circumstances” (Matisoff).
Publications: Diss. I Tkong Amwi. Deskriptive Analysis eines Wardialektes des Khasi. 244 p. Neuind. Studien 4. Wb. 1975.
– Componental analysis of Lushai phonology. 153 p. Current issues in linguistic science 2. Amsterdam 1975; Tai-Khamti phonology and vocabulary. 7+92 p. Beitr. zur Südasienforschung 27. Wb. 1977.
– Tonologie: Ergebnisse, Analysen, Vermutungen. 10+337 p. Tübingen 1981.
– Articles, e.g. “The Classifier Construction of Newari and its Historical Southeast Asian Background”, Kailash – A Journal of Himalayan Studies 11, 1984, 185-210.
Sources: J.A. Matisoff, review of the 1987 book in JAOS 114, 1994, 254-258; worldcat.org.
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