WENNERBERG, Claes. 1939 — ?.7.1996, when 57. Swedish Indologist. Son of Gunnar W. and Torborg “Bojan” Broden. Studies at Gothenburg under Liebert. Ph.D. 1981 Göteborg Universitet. Docent and half-time Universitetslektor teaching Indology and comparative linguistics at Gothenburg until his sudden and unexpected death. Married Doris, two sons.
Publications: Diss. Die altindischen Nominalsuffixe -man- und -iman- in historisch-komparativer Beleuchtung. 320 p. Göteborg 1981.
– “Indogermanisch *stomen- ‘Mund”, Die Sprache 13, 1972, 24-33; “A Finnish Word of Possible Indian Origin”, F. Josephson (ed.), Categorisation and interpretation. Meijerbergs Arkiv 24. Göteborg 1999, 179-183; “Woher kommt finnisch juhta?”, C. F. Gildea (ed.), Slavisk filologi. Göteborg 1999, 304-310.
Sources: Personal knowledge 1992/96.
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