WESTMACOTT, Edward Vesey. Chastleton, Oxfordshire 1839 (or 1840?) — 1911. BritishCivil Servant in India. Son of Rev. Horatio W. (1806–1862) and Penelope Spencer Ruscombe. B.A. Oxford. Served in Bengal. Married 1874 Annie Mary Charlotte Richards (1850–1936), divorce 1898, three sons.

Publications: Letter on the Identification of ancient towns in Bengal, ProcASB 1874, 57f.; “Note on the Site of Fort Ekdálah, District Dínájpúr”, JASB 43:1, 1874, 244f.; “On Traces of Buddhism in Dinájpur and Bagurá (Bogra)”, JASB 44:1, 1875, 187-192.

– “A Copperplate containing a grant of land by Lakshman Sen of Bengal, found near Torpon-dighí in the District of Dínájpur, 1874”, JASB 44:1, 1875, 1-15, 2 pl.; Letter on a Kutila Inscription from Monghyr, ProcASB 1883, 45f.

– Articles in CR.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet; parents in geni.com.

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