WHITEHEAD, George. 1862 — Halton West, North Yorkshire 3.4.1935. Rev. British Anglican Missionary. From Yorkshire, of an old yeoman family. B.A. 1884 University of London, then curacy at Barnsley. Ordained deacon 1886 and priest 1887 in Mandalay. From 1886 worked in various positions in Upper Burma, in 1895-97 officiating Principal of St.John’s College in Rangoon and after furlough from 1899 in Prome working with Southern Chins. In the Nicobars in 1912-14 and 1916-21. Constructed Latin alphabet for the Car Nicobar language. Married 1898? Miss Hockmeyer.

Publications: A Christian handbook in Burmese. 1909.

In the Nicobar Islands. 276 p. L. 1924.

Dictionary of the Car-Nicobarese language. 53+326 p. Rangoon 1925.

– Also wrote on Southern Chin (grammar, dictionary, catechism).

Sources: Stray notes in Internet; career until c. 1910 in justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/Muss-Arnolt/part4c.htm; a newspaper clip on his death in eBay.co.uk.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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