WILHELM, Erdmann Eugen. Neustadt an der Orla, Thüringen 5.6.1842 — 1923. German Iranian Scholar. Professor in Jena. Son of a Superintendent, educated in Weimar. Studies at Jena and Halle. Ph.D. 1864. In 1864 tutor in Holstein, from 1865 Oberlehrer at Eisenach Gymnasium. From 1876 Professor and acting Director at Jena Gymnasium. From 1879 granted right to teach Iranian philology at Jena University, from 1887 ao. Professor für iranische Sprachen and from 1897 ord. Honorary Professor there. Married Spiegel’s daughter Julie, two children (the Germanist Friedrich Wilhelm). Taught Iranian, general linguistics, Arabic, Akkadian, and Ethiopian.

Publications: Diss. Quaestiones Vellejanae. 51 p. Jena 1865.

– “De Infinitivi vi et natura”, Osterprogramm der Eisenacher Gymnasiums 1869, 12 p.; “De Verbis denominativis linguae bactricae”, Progr. Eisenach 18??, 24 p.

De infinitivi linguarum Sanscriticae, Bactricae, Persicae, Graecae, Oscae, Umbricae, Latinae, Goticae forma et usu. 73 / 8+96 p. Isenaci 1872/73.

– “La langue des kurdes”, Le Muséon 2, 1883, 431-441 (on Justi 1880); Erânica. 1-3. Jena 1893-99 (articles in OrCongr volumes).

– “De la critique du texte de l’Avesta”, Le Muséon 3, 1884, 574-600; “La critique et l’exégèse de l’Avesta”, Le Muséon 4, 1885, 510-531; “Études Avestiques” Le Muséon 7, 1888, 99-119.

– “König- und Priestertum im alten Eran”, ZDMG 40, 1886, 102-110; Kingship and Priesthood in Ancient Eran. 25 p. Bombay 1892; Zarathustra and his Age. Bombay 1887.

– “Beiträge zur Lexicographie des Awestâ”, ZDMG 42, 1888, 81-101.

The Arian period and its conditions and The cult of the Genii in ancient Eran. Two essays. 45 p. Bombay 1888; On the use of beef’s urine according to the precepts of the Avesta and on similar customs with other nations. 80 p. Bombay 1889.

– “La patrie et l’origine de Cyrus”, Le Muséon 8, 1889, 37-50; On the use of gomez. 1890 (article?); “L’expedition de Ninos”, Le Muséon 1892.

– “Perser”, Jahresber. der Geschichtswiss. 1893-1911; with B. B. Patel, Catalogue of books on Iranian literature published in Europa and India. 2+61+10+64 p. Bombay 1901.

– “Analogies in Iranian and Armenian Folklore”, Spiegel Memorial Vol. Bombay 1908, 65-83.

Further articles and reviews.

Sources: Wer ist’s? 6th ed. 1912; Stache-Weiske 2017, 569; stray notes in Internet, mainly on his publications.

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