WILKEN, Friedrich

WILKEN, Friedrich. Ratzeburg, Holstein 23.5.1777 — Berlin 24.12.1840. German Historian and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Heidelberg and Berlin. Of modest origin, son of Christian Erich and Sophie Wilken. Studies of theology and history at Göttingen, also Oriental languages under J. G. Eichhorn. Ph.D. 1803. From 1805 ao. Professor of History at Heidelberg, ord. Professor and librarian 1807. From 1816 ord. Professor of History and Oriental Studies at Berlin. Married Caroline Tischbein, two daughters and two sons.

Publications: Wrote a history of the crusades and other famous works on history, also on Persian philology.

“Ueber die Verfassung und die Geschichte der Afghanen”, ABeAW 1818-19, 237-267 (from Forster, Elphinstone et al.).

Sources: D. Drüll, Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon 1803–1932. 1986; Wikipedia with portrait, more details and further references in German version.

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