WISER, William H.

WISER, William Hen(d)ricks. Pottstown, Pa 28.1.1890 — Uniontown, Pa 21.2.1961. U.S. Presbyter Missionary and Anthropologist in India. Graduated B.A. from the University of Chicago. Ph.D. 1933 Cornell, in rural organization. In 1915 left for India, worked first at Allahabad Agricultural Institute, then also in Kanpur and in 1925-30 in Karimpur village where he also made his fieldwork. Completed his doctorate on furlough. In 1933-41 Professor of Rural Sociology at North India Theological College in Sahranpur. After new village stay in Mainpuri district, from 1945 worked in the development of India Village Service. Retired 1959. Married 1916 Charlotte Melina Viall (1892–1981), three sons. His wife collaborated with him in all his activities.

Publications: Abstract of diss. Social Institutions of a Hindu Village in North India. 5 p. Ithaca 1933.

– With his wife: Behind Mud Walls. 1930, rev. & enl. ed.  15+249 p. Berkeley 1963, again with a sequel 17+281 p. Berkeley 1971.

– The Hindu jajmani system: a socio-economic system interrelating members of Hindu village community in services. 4+191 p. Lucknow 1936, 3rd ed. 1968; a few further books.

Sources: J.C.B. Webster, Biographic Dictionary of Christian Missions. 1999, 746; Wikipedia (also separate article on his wife).

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