WOHLGEMUTH, Else. Berlin 16.7.1882 — 19??. German Student of Indology and Sinology. Matriculated in 1906 in Berlin. Studied at Berlin, Marburg and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1916 Leipzig (under Windisch). Not to be confused to the actress E.W. (1881–1972).

Publications: Diss. Über die chinesische Version von Aśvaghoṣa’s Buddhacarita Fo-so-hsing-tsan. 77 p. Mitteil. des Sem. für orient. Spr. 1:19. Berlin 1916 (pp. 1-53, BC 1-2 transl.).

Sources: Life in diss.; diss. in Janert.

Last Updated on 2 months by Admin


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