WYLIE, Turrell V.

WYLIE, Turrell Verl (“Terry”, also called Ellwyn Turrell Wylie). Durango, Colorado 20.8.1927 — Seattle 25.8.1984. U.S. Tibetologist. Professor in Seattle. Graduated B.A. in 1952 at University of Washington, Ph.D. 1958 there in Chinese Language and Literature. As student also visiting scholar in Rome, studied under Tucci. From 1958 taught at University of Washington in Seattle, in the end as Professor of Tibetan. Founded there the first Tibetan studies program in the U.S.A. After 1959 active for Tibetan refugees, travelling widely in northern India (and employing several Tibetans at the university). Died after long illness. Married, children.

In 1959 presented the so-called “Wylie System” of Tibetan transliteration, now commonly used, in HJAS. His main speciality was the historical geography of Tibet.

Publications: Diss. The Geography of Tibet According to the ’Dzam-gling-rgyas-bshad. Manuscript 1958, publ. 38 +286 p. S.O.R. 25. Rome 1962.

A Place Name Index to George N. Roerich’s Translation of the Blue Annals. 42 p. S.O.R. 15. Rome 1957.

– “A Standard System of Tibetan Transcription”, HJAS 22, 1959, 261-267; other articles.

“Mortuary Customs at Sa-skya, Tibet”, HJAS 25, 1964-65, 229-242; “The First Mongol Conquest of Tibet Reinterpreted”, HJAS 37, 1977, 103-133.

A Tibetan Religious Geography of Nepal. 18+66 p. S.O.R. 42. Rome 1970 (by Bla-ma Btsan-po).

Tibet’s Role in Inner Asia. 24 p. Bloomington 1975.

Sources: *L. Epstein & R. F. Sherburne (edd.), Reflections on Tibetan Culture. Essays in memory of T.V.W. Studies in Asian Thought and Religion 12. Lewiston 1990; *Lopez 2008, 190; R.A. Miller, JIABS 9, 1986, 150-155 with bibliography; *J. Szerb, AOHu 39, 1985, 365f.; Wikipedia with photo.

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