SABBATHIER, Paul. Rouen 20.1.1841 — Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) 15.5.1909. French Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Vedic scholar, a student of Bergaigne and de Saussure, agrégé 1885 (Sanskrit). In 1899 living in Chantegrillet (Drôme), then again in Paris. One Paul Sabatier published a number of studies on Franciscan history since 1893, but he seems to be another person.

Publications: “Une édition critique du Ṛig-Véda”, RHR 20, 1889, 297-331 (on Oldenberg, Metrische u. Textgeschichtliche Prolegomena zum Ṛigveda. B. 1888); review of Hillebrandt, One Paul Sabatier, published a number of studies on Franciscan history since 1893, but he seems to be another person., RHR 23, 1891, 221-225.

– “Études de liturgie védique: L’agnishṭoma d’après le Çrauta-sûtra d’Âçvalâyana”, JA 8:15, 1890, 5-101 & 186-194 (AŚS 5 transl. and annotated).

Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet; not mentioned in Cat. gén. de la libr. fr., therefore apparently no independent publications; birth and degree in M. Fleury, Annuaire de l’É.P.H.É. 1964, 50.

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