BARTHOUX (Couyat-Barthoux), Jules Pierre (or Jules-J.). Étroussat (Aller) 22.7.1881 — 1965. French Geologist and Archaeologist. Born as Jules Couyat, son of Anne C. Worked as geologist in Morocco, Egypt and Arabia, collaborated with the French Archaeological Institute in Cairo. Dr.-ès-sciences 1922 Lille. He succeeded Foucher in 1923 in charge of the D.A.F.A. in Afghanistan. In 1933 succeeded by Hackin, his enemy, and returned to France, then living in Paris. He made several field journeys to Yemen and Hadramaut and 1958 to Soqotra. He was a member of Société asiatique until his death, but largely forgotten.
He excavated in 1925 at Begram and Haḍḍa and in 1926-28 at Haḍḍa. During his survey of north-eastern Afghanistan in 1926 he noted the site of Ai Khanum as archaeologically promising.
Publications: As J. Couyat geological and paleontological articles and a Hieroglyphic publication together with P. Montet.
– Diss. Chronologie et description des roches ignées du désert arabic. 28+256 p. 14 pl. Mém. pres. à l’Inst. d’Égypte 5. Le Caire & Mâcon 1922.
– Les fouilles de Hadda. I. Stupas et sites. Texte et dessins. 213 p. M.D.A.F.A. 4. P. 1933; Les fouilles de Hadda. III. Figures et figurines. Album photographique. 26 p. 112 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 6. P. 1930; Vol. II. never appeared.
– “Bagh-gai”, RAA 5, 1928, 77-81.
Sources: Not in Arch. biogr. fr., only one work in the N.U.C.; diss. in Cat. génér. de la libr. fr. 31, 1921-25; Z. Tarzi, “Jules Barthoux: le découvreur oublié d’Aï Khanoum”, CRAI 140, 1996, 595-611; briefly in French Wikipedia with photo.
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