BARTOL’D, Vasilij Vladimirovič (Wilhelm Barthold). St.Petersburg 3(15).11.1869 — Leningrad 19.8.1930. Russian Scholar of Central Asian History and Geography, one of the most famous of his time. Born of a Russianized German family. School and from 1891 studies at St.Petersburg, first of Oriental languages, from 1892 also Asian history. Magistr 1893, then one year further studies at Halle and Strassburg. Dr. istorii Vostoka 1900. Prof. eo. of the same 1901, full Professor from 1906 at the University of St.Petersburg/Leningrad. From 1910 correspondent and 1913 full member of the Russian Academy of Science. In 1920-28 Director of the Leningrad Institut of Living Oriental Languages (LIŽVJa) / Leningr. Vostočnyj Institut. 1918-27 naučnyj sotrudnik at the Inst. ist. iskusstv, 1919-30 also at the Academy of History of Material Culture, and 1921-28 at the Hermitage. Often travelled and conducted fieldwork in Muslim countries. Married with Marija Alekseevna Žukovskaja, the younger sister of —> V. Žukovskij.
Publications: At least 650 items (usually in Russian, but often translated into German, French or English, also into Arabic and Persian), i. al.:
– Dr. diss. Turkestan v èpohu mongol’skogo našestvija. 1-2. 200+573 p. St.P. 1898-1900; English transl. by H. A. R. Gibb, rev. by the author: Turkestan down to Mongol Invasion. 514 p. L. 1928.
– Istorija izučenija Vostoka v Evrope i Rossii. Lg. 1925, French tr. La Découverte de l’Asie: Histoire de l’orientalisme en Europe et en Russie. P. 1947.
– Sočinenija. [Works] 1–8. M. 1963-73 (uncensored, but with added notes about his “bourgeois” ideas).
Sources: *N.M. Akramov, Vydajuščijsja russkij vostokoved V.V.B. Naučno-biografičeskij očerk. 112 p. Dušanbe 1963; Fück 1955, 301f.; *Kononov, Biobibiogr. slovar’ tjurkologov; Miliband 1977 with further ref.; *M. Vasmer, Z. f. Numismatik 40, 1930, 346-350; *NAA 1971:1, 220–222; Wikipedia with photo (more details in Russian version).
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