BARTOLI, Matteo Giulio. Albona, Istria (now Labin in Croatia) 22.11.1873 — Turin 23.1.1946. Italian Linguist. Ph.D. Vienna (Meyer-Lübke). Also studied at Strassburg (Hübschmann) and Paris (Gilliéron). After a short time as eo. at Pisa 1907-08 he was in 1908-46 Professor of Linguistics at Turin. He was the only linguist who made fieldwork on the now extinct Dalmatian (main publ. Vienna 1906). Mainly worked on Romance linguistics. Teacher of Antonio Gramsci.
Publications: “Le sonore aspirate e le sonore assordite dell’arioeuropeo”, Arch. glottol. ital. 22-23, 1929, 62-130;“Le sorde aspirate dell’ ario-europeo”, Studi Ital. di filol. class. 8, 1930, 5-23; shorter articles.
– “Un nuovo mezzo per trovare la posizione dell’accento ario-europeo”, Erma 3, 1932, 869-878.
– Wrote on Italian dialects, Dalmatian, linguistics, etc.
Sources: T. De Mauro, D.B.I. 6, 1964, 582-586; *G. Devoto, Word 3, 1947, 208-216; *W. von Raffler, “Ascoli, forerunner of Matteo Bartoli”, Word 9, 1953, 54f.; *B. Terracini, Letteratura italiana. I critici 4, 1987, 2751–2762; *Idg. Jb. 28, 1949; full *bibliography in his Saggi di linguistica spaziale. Torino 1945, xxi-xxxii; English, Italian & German Wikipedia.
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