SCHIRMEISEN, Karl. Senftenberg, Bohemia (now Žamberk, Czech) 13.12.1868 — Ahrweiler, Germany 11.8.1958. German (of Czech) Scientist (Mineralogist) interested in history and archaeology. Dr. Living in Brno, teacher at German Technical School. Proposed highly speculative theories, apparently often with racist ideas. Married 1897 Marie Haberhauer, three children.
Publications: Die Arischen Göttergestalten. Allgemein verständliche untersuchungen über ihre abstammung und entstehungszeit. 8+336 p. Brünn 1909.
– Die arischen Grundlagen des Christentums. 112 p. Brünn 1942.
– Writings on Germanic religion and history, on prehistory, and on science.
Sources: * (in Czech); stray notes in Internet.
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