SIERKSMA, Fokke. Dantumawoude near Dokkum, Friesland 30.5.1917 — Leiden 22.8.1977. Dutch Scholar of Comparative Religion and Tibetan. Born in a religious family, son of Rijpke Sierksma and Janke Krol. Educated in Dokkum and Leeuwarden. From 1936 studies of theology at Groningen, but then interrupted because of the war. Ph.D. 1950 Groningen. Worked at university library in Groningen and wrote essays. From 1956 at Leiden University, taught Cultural Anthropology and History of Religion. From 1973 Professor of History of Religion at Theological Faculty, Leiden. Married 1944 Sjoukje Geertruida Tjepkema (b. 1918), two sons and and one daughter.
Publications: Diss. Phaenomenologie der religie en complexe psychologie. 256 p. Assen 1950.
– De religieuze projectie. Delft 1956, rev. 2nd ed. 1957, 2nd ed. 1957; Een nieuwe hemel en een nieuwe aarde. the Hague 1961; De roof van het vrouwengeheim. 199 p. the Hague 1962; further works, including essays and poetry.
– The Gods as we shape them. 62 p. 91 pl. L. 1960
–Profiel van een incarnatie. Het Levenende de conflicten van een Tibetaanse geestelijke in Tibet en Europa. 244 p. Amsterdam 1964.
– Tibet’s terrifying deities: sex and aggression in religious acculturation. 284 p. the Hague 1966; a few articles and reviews on Tibetan religion.
Sources: Brief note in IIJ 8:2, 1964; *K.D. Jenner, Biogr. Woordenboek van Ned. 2, 1985 (online 2013); Dutch Indology homepage; Dutch Wikipedia with photo; another photo in; life (in Dutch), further references and (a third) photo in; full bibliography in
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