SIEVERS, Eduard. Lippoldsberg an der Weser, Hessen 25.11.1850 — Leipzig 30.3.1932. German Phonetician, Germanic and IE Linguist. Professor in Leipzig. Son of Friedrich Wilhelm S. and Dorothea Barnstein. Educated in Kassel. Studies of Classics, Germanic, IE and Semitic at Leipzig and Berlin (under Zarncke, Curtius, Ebert, et al.). Ph.D. 1870 Leipzig. After a visit to England, from 1871 eo. and from 1876 ord. Professor of Germanic and Romance Philology at Jena. From 1883 Professor of German at Tübingen, from 1887 at Halle, and from 1892 at Leipzig. Married 1881 Alicia Towell (of Dublin, d. 1918), three children.

Beside phonetics Sievers was famous as Neogrammarian linguist, but mainly worked on Germanic (including English and Nordic), using IE as help for this.

Publications: Diss. Untersuchungen über Tatian. Halle 1870.

Edited OHG texts: Tatian. 1872, 2nd rev. ed. 75+518 p. 1892; Heliand. 44+542 p. Halle 1878; Der Nibelunge Not; Kudrun. 626 p. Lp. 1921; and others.

Grundzüge der Lautphysiologie. Lp. 1876; 2nd ed. Gr. der Phonetik zur Einführung in das Studium der Lautlehre der indogermanischen Sprachen. Lp. 1881, 5th ed. 16+328 p. Lp. 1901.

– “Vedisches und Indogermanisches”, IF 42, 1924, 193-220 & 43, 1926, 1-9, 129-206.

Much on Germanistics.

Sources: *O. Basler, Neuphil. Mitt. 33, 1932, 193-203; F.H. Ehrhardt, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 860f.; Th. Frings, *BVSAW 85, 1934, 1-56 (republ. in Sebeok 1966, 1-52); H.J. Solms, N.D.B. 24, 2010, 390f.; Stache-Weiske 2017, 560; Wikipedia with photo; photo in Pedersen 1959, 302.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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