SKEEN, William. London 1822 — Sri Lanka 1872. British Printer in Sri Lanka, the first officially appointed Government Printer for Ceylon in 1849-72. From 1860 also had a photographic studio in Colombo. Married with Louisa Matilda Kemp (1822–1864), three sons worked as printers and photographers in Sri Lanka and Burma, then with Frances Elizabeth Johnson.
Publications: Adam’s Peak: Legendary, Traditional, and Historic Notices of the Samanala and Srí-Páda. 408 p. Colombo 1870; also wrote poetry.
– “On the Origin of the Sri-Pada, or Sacred Foot-print on the Summit of Adam’s Peak”, JRAS-CB 4:15, 1870-71, 63-112.
– Early typography. 424 p. Colombo 1872; a few further writings.
Sources: Short note in IA 1, 1872, 163; Wikipedia on W.L.H. Skeen (his son).
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