SKRINE, Francis Henry Bennett. 1847 — 1933. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Rev. Clarmont Skrine, a retired officer in Wimbledon, and Mary Anne Bennett. Educated at Blackheath School; entered the I.C.S. 1868, served in Bengal and Bihar. In the 1880s worked on famine relief in Bihar and Madras. Collector of Customs, Calcutta, 1895; Commissioner of Chittagong Division, 1896; retired 1897. In Central Asia with E. D. Ross. Married 1887 Helen Lucy Stewart (1867–1954), at least one son, —> Cl. P. Skrine.
Publications: Laborious Days: Leaves from the Indian Record of Sir Charles Alfred Elliott. 1892; An Indian Journalist: being the life, letters and correspondence of Dr. Sambhu C. Mookerjee, late editor of ‘Reis and rayyet’. Calcutta 1895.
– With E. D. Ross: The Heart of Asia. A History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the earliest Times. 567 p. L. 1899.
– The life of Sir W. W. Hunter, K.C.S.I. 511 p. L. 1901.
– The Expansion of Russia, 1815-1900. 406 p. Cambridge 1903.
– A few further works not relevant here.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia.
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