SKURZAK, Ludwik. Cieszanów near Rzeszów 18.11.1900 — Wrocław 26.2.1979. Polish Indologist. Born in a farmer family. Studied at the Jan Kazimir University in Lwów (L’viv, under Stasiak), M.A. 1932. From 1933 further studies of Indology in Paris, at É.P.H.É. and Collège de France under Renou, Przyluski and J. Bloch. 1937 diplom of the É.P.H.É. Then worked as assistant at the universities of Lwów and Warsaw (now also a student of Schayer, 1939-). Because of WW II got his doctorate only in 1906. He moved in 1945 to Wrocław teaching classics and, when possible, also Indology, eventually as Professor (from 1955). Emeritus 1971, but continued teaching until 1978. Among his few students was H.Wałkówska.

Publications: Études sur l’origine de l’ascetisme indien. 56 p. Travaux de la Société des sciences et des lettres de Wrocław Seria A. Nr. 15. Wrocław 1948.

Études sur l’épopée indienne. 24 p. Travaux… Wr. 1958.

– “Études sur les fragments de Mégasthène. Βραχμᾶνας-Σαρμᾶνας”, Eos 47, 1954, 95-100; “Études sur les fragments de Mégasthène (II). Hylobioi”, FO 2, 1960, 83-87; “Megasthenes (Frg. 1,46, 33,5) Property of Land”, Istorija i kul’tura drevnej Indii. Moskva 1963, 258-261; “Le traité syro-indien de paix en 305, selon Strabon et Appien d’Alexandrie”, Eos 54, 1964, 225-229; “Le problème de l’origine des familles érémitiques dans les sources indiennes”, FO 11, 1969 (1970), 250-254; “Nauczyciele i asceci indyjscy w relacji niektórych autorów greckich (Les instituteurs et les ascètes indiens dans les relations de quelques auteurs grecs)”, Antiquitas 4 (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis 205), 1974, 17-25; “Sofiści indyjscy w relacji Aristobulosa i Onesikritosa”, Anantapāram kila Śabda­śāstramKsięga pamiątkowa ku czi Eugeniusza Słuszkiewicza. Warszawa 1974, 215-220; “En lisant Mégasthène (Nouvelles observations sur la civilisation indienne)”, Eos 67, 1979, 69-74.

– “From the Sources of the Indian Law”, RO 22:1, 1957, 69-71.

– Articles in Polish.

Sources: H. Wałkowska, A Classica Wratislaviensia 9, 1981, 3-6 with small photo (in Polish), and Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich 23:2, 1980, 121-123 (in Frech).

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